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Water: Inspiration for "Out of the Blue"

Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash
Water is an important part of my life. I have spent many hours in, on and by the water. It is such a mysterious element. I enjoy its magickal qualities in floor washes, brews, sweet waters, baths, soaks and rituals.  It is a favorite subject matter for my paintings and drawings. We're all about the water. We need and come from water. We also obviously consist largely of water.

Photo by Peter Fogden on Unsplash

When I think about my fascination with Sirens and the genesis of Kyane, my story's antagonist and her kin, it makes since that they would congeal in my mind into a story.

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

Sirens hold fascination for many and indeed, there are Siren and Mermaid stories in many countries around the world. They take on various manifestations and may look different from one another but they are still Mermaids and Sirens.

Being human and part fish isn't all that far-fetched. Not really. Especially when you consider the way we start life. In fact, I get one of two reactions when I call "Out of the Blue" my book about Sirens. Some people, and I must admit, these people shock me in a certain kind of way, ask me: 'What are Sirens?' with a curious stare. The others give me a knowing look, a smile and nod of agreement. We look at each other and we know.

The agreement must come as affirmation that they understand full well why and how a story about Sirens might come to exist in my mind. These people I run into, who are familiar with these mystical creatures must also have Siren's dancing through their dreams and touching their imagination every now and then.

Photo by Ryan Rader on Unsplash

The water and its deities, entities, Gods, Goddesses, Orisha, Lwa and creatures, holds a scary type of power. This power can be creative and nurturing but it can also be devastatingly destructive. A Siren, such as Kyane, embodies this power. She is at once beautiful and deadly. With the water holding such promise, mystery and potent world mythology, there is no wonder that it is at the center of my newest creative venture, my debut novel, "Out of the Blue," which you can preorder here.


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