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Theme Reveal: Exclamation Points - A to Z Challenge

Theme Reveal

As a writer, I tend to avoid the exclamation point, as a matter of style and form. My theme for the Blogging from A to Z  April (2015) Challenge however, re-images and embraces it. Each day, I will blog about points of wonder, joy, excitement, celebration and yes, things that deserve an exclamation point.

During the month of April, join me for uplifting, inspirational Exclamation Point blog posts.

Back Story

What is the A to Z April Challenge, you may be asking, if you're  new to this blog? Each year bloggers are asked to dig deep into their reservoir of ideas, challenging themselves to blog in a marathon event. The challenge is three fold.

(1) We are asked to blog every day, apart from Sunday for the month of April.
(2) The posts must progress alphabetically.
(3) We are encouraged to visit and comment on between 5 and 10 participating blogger's blogs per day.


Many people go behind the scenes of making this project a success. It is the brainchild of Arlee Bird. We, who have participated, applaud him for bringing us together and inspiring us to dig deeper. I'm sure first-timer's will do the same. He has also enlisted the help of numerous creative and insightful people to help make this event a success. Thanks to all of you in advance.

Readers and bloggers can learn more and find out who else is participating by going to: Blogging from A to Z Challenge Website


  1. I love exclamation points and smileys :)

    Rose @ BohemianNERD

    1. I like them a lot in texts. Thanks for stopping in Rose.

  2. I LOVE exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be tuning in to read your posts. :)

  3. Yay for the exclamation mark! :) It is much over used by a few and hence much maligned, but oh, so useful when used properly.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  4. Excellent! :-) I look forward to following your posts.

  5. So pleased you'll be doing the A-Z Stephanie! Love the gratitude graphic!

    1. Likewise. I'll see you during it. Love your A to Z theme. Will stop by your blog soon with my comments.

  6. I love this idea :) I have always been weary of exclamation points as a writer...

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - The crazy thing about Hungarians...

    1. Me too. Let's hope my re-imagined use of exclamation points works during the A to Z challenge.

  7. Ohhhh I like this! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    1. Well, as a pantser (flies by the seat of her pants) I can't wait to see what I come up with either. LOL.

  8. Very creative! Like the reveal pic and the theme both, they certainly deserve exclamation points.
    Best wishes for a great A-Z,

  9. I'm a big fan of the exclamation point! Yes, and an avid over-user. Your theme sounds uplifting and fun.

  10. Alex, thanks. I feel encouraged. I will take the challenge day-by-day, as it all depends on where I find joy and wonder and how that correlates with the alphabet. I have to be in the moment.

  11. I'm looking forward to reading your posts this month. When I saw your topic, I was reminded of a post I just wrote in January about exclamation points. ( I like the way you have repurposed this punctuation mark and look forward to things that you find worthy of an exclamation point this month!


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