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Brimming with Possibilities

This is my monthly installment, as a member of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Follow the link, as this is an exciting time for us. It is the anniversary for the group, brainchild of Alex Cavanaugh, who has worked tirelessly building a safe, rewarding and meaningful community for bloggers.

Over the last few months since I've been participating in IWSG, things have been rapidly developing and changing. It's almost as though, as a result of admitting my insecurities, airing them out and working on resolving or at the least dealing with them, I've embarked on yet another amazing journey.

I do attribute some of this movement forward to my re-engagement with the possibilities of the Law of Attraction, metaphysics, magick and earth-based spirituality. With all of these thoughts and desperate practices coming together, the possibilities in life seem endless. These possibilities encompass every aspect of my life. Since writing is at the forefront, it has been one of the most impacted aspects of the transformation process.

Writing and the creativity it requires, is flowing, along with my thoughts. Unhampered by the limiting climate fostered by insecurity. This is a blessing, for which I express the sincerest gratitude towards the universe and all the mystery and wonders which it hosts.

In terrain, I've seldom traveled, I'm not certain where my little choo-choo train in the sky is taking me. I'm not questioning the process too much. For now, I'm enjoying spectacular views, while welcoming new visions. I'm sitting back and enjoying the ride. 


  1. For me, sharing my insecurities and fears was hard to do at first but, when it's done in moderation and in a safe environment, it truly is freeing. :)

    Enjoy those views and visions!

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

    1. I agree Madeline. I started off very insecure about sharing my insecurities. ;o

  2. Love all the imaginative pictures! Let your imagination soar.

    Thank you for stopping by on blitz day. You made my day!

    1. I'm glad you like the pictures Sherry! You've always got it going on over at Mama Diaries! Love stopping in whenever I get a chance.

  3. The Insecure Writer's Support Group sounds awesome. lol I really like your writing style and the pictures you chose are amazing. Thanks for visiting my site during Follow Fest!

    1. You're very welcome. I'll be back to your blog, like the Terminator says.

      Check out the group in the link above. You might like to join us.

  4. Hi Stephanie! I'm visiting as an IWSG co-host, and I really enjoyed your post. I'm highly visual, so seeing your wonderful images was a special delight. I recently joined the IWSG, and I also feel I'm rapidly developing and changing. As a geologist, I can't help but ask where those fabulous rocks are! Thanks for sharing your experiences!

    1. Fundy Blue--what a great name!! Thanks for visiting today and hope you'll come back again. You probably don't know this but I'm a visual artist, specializing in painting/drawing, so I scout around the internet for great images that are royalty-free, to illustrate my writing. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no clue where those rock formations are located, which further proves the points I am making in this blog post.

  5. Lovely pictures, Stephanie. You have a positive attitude, which I'm sure is helpful on this journey.

  6. Awesome! I like to hear that. Sometimes we need to let go and enjoy the journey.

    1. Yes, lots of positive develops since I joined your group. Thanks!

  7. I always love the pictures you add to your posts. :) It's great that you see a positive change from joining the group. Releasing our fears and insecurities is healing.

    1. Thanks Chrys! Couldn't agree more. Hope you're having great success with your new release, 30 Seconds!

  8. I really liked this post, Stephanie. I could feel your joy in it, and it has made me think about a few things myself that have been bothering me. Enjoy the ride!

  9. Thanks Karen! I'll be over to your blog to see what surfaces for you.


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