I’ve been enjoying a little quiet time and am now going into
full play mode. The weather has been
fantastic for a few weeks and it has taken my mind away from writing and
blogging and more into the natural world.
I have been working nonstop on my oil pastel abstractions, which feels
good. I moved back into my studio and
hung them up. It was so good to see them
all on one wall, hanging up together. I have been observing the sun at sunset—we’ve
had a few huge and spectacular ones recently and last night I was reflecting on
the moon. This month’s full moon is Seed
Moon and she looks promising. Seed Moon
reminds us to take stock of our dreams and desires and plan for the near
future. Obviously, it is also a reminder
that it is time to plant physical seeds for herbs and plants for the summer and
fall seasons. I like to set this time
aside also to plant metaphorical and metaphysical seeds. So, I have been
putting things in place for summer, for example, trying to find a job to
replace the one I have that ends in June.
The job market is outrageously tight and I don’t even see many jobs that
interest me. I am interested in either writing jobs, mostly that I can do as a
telecommuter and I’m also seeking consultancies in teaching. Either type of job
would be interesting and fulfilling, if only I could get some responses from
employers. I’m trying everything from Linkedin to twitter to joining various employers’
groups to get daily updates on what is going on. Very frustrating not to hear anything back
from the numerous applications I’ve put out into the world. Rather than getting too frustrated though, I
am aligning myself with the sun and moon energies and realize it is only time
for planting seeds not time for them to be harvested. This piece is call Spring Equinox and it is made in honor of the goddess Ostara.
Tree Whispers Shinrin-yoku is a complementary medicine modality, designed to up-lift sub-par health conditions, through lifestyle changes that involve immersion in nature, specifically the wildness, we call a forest, where the senses, including our intuitive sense and ability to heal ourselves through it, is ignited. Forest bathing, as Shinrin-yoku is popularly called, has come to our attention, at a time when the scientific community is abuzz about the ability of trees - be it in stands, groves, or forests, to build community. This, at a time, when we as humans, struggle hard to build and sustain healthy in-person communities, in the face of Online communications. Books like “The Hidden Life of Trees: What they Feel, How they Communicate Discoveries from a Secret World,” (Wohlleben 2016) by Peter Wohlleben is a Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post bestseller. It makes readers privy to trees’ communication skills and social networks, that is, it helps us entertain...
Oh Stephanie... our lives sound very similar right now (re: job hunting). It can get frustrating, but i loved your way of looking at the uncertainty... "I am aligning myself with the sun and moon energies and realize it is only time for planting seeds not time for them to be harvested". This is brilliant. I loved reading those words & somehow - they reassured me. :-) Your pastel work is beautiful. Art has a way of soothing, doesn't it? xoxo
ReplyDeleteOh...job hunting...what an adventure!! I'm so glad you got something positive out of my blog post. Are you on Linkedin? Thanks for the compliment about my pastels. Art is definitely soothing. I love it!!