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Showing posts from March, 2019

Working it Out

I'm afraid I've been remiss about working out, but alas, the promise of spring got me motivated. I started a cycling program last week and added Yoga for Weight-Loss this week. I don't like to start working out as a New Year's Resolution, on or around the first of January because it seems as though that time period doesn't work for most, me included. Yoga for Weight-Loss is always interesting. I think - it's yoga, I won't be taxed too heavily but then low and behold the sweating begins. I particularly like the program I found on Amazon Prime because her format reminds me of my books in a certain kind of way. She asks you to ask questions of yourself, and to do stuff. You are an active participant. So, a part of the 30 day challenge, the very first part, is to tell someone. I figured I'd tell you, gentle reader. I also ask you to join me or if you're already working out or planning to start, share about it here. Will check in again soon!  ...