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Showing posts from April, 2012

Seed Moon

I’ve been enjoying a little quiet time and am now going into full play mode.  The weather has been fantastic for a few weeks and it has taken my mind away from writing and blogging and more into the natural world.  I have been working nonstop on my oil pastel abstractions, which feels good.  I moved back into my studio and hung them up.  It was so good to see them all on one wall, hanging up together. I have been observing the sun at sunset—we’ve had a few huge and spectacular ones recently and last night I was reflecting on the moon.  This month’s full moon is Seed Moon and she looks promising.  Seed Moon reminds us to take stock of our dreams and desires and plan for the near future.  Obviously, it is also a reminder that it is time to plant physical seeds for herbs and plants for the summer and fall seasons.  I like to set this time aside also to plant metaphorical and metaphysical seeds. So, I have been putting things in place for summer, ...